first off I'm new from St.Louis&I really need help!And this will be LONG ok here's the deal &please don't judge me because I'm going to be 100% truthful to a bunch of strangers&I'm already freaking out.ok well I was on the highway in another state about
6 years ago I was hot by a car that was hit by another car&mine flipped while doing about
75.When the cops &ems came I was freaking out&just wanted to go home.Well next day I went to er & was told I was having back spasms&I had whiplash...well never seeked medical treatmeant,came back to St Louis &as I said I'm gonna be honest so to cut it short I was in incarcarated for awhile&they tend to not give you any medical help.
Time went by pain in neck&lower back shoulder etc got worse.Well then in 2008 my father was taking me to meet the guy I was gonna ride to work with&a deer ran infront of us&we flipped the truck &ended up in a ditch.My father broke his neck,ems came I thought he was gonna die didn't even ask if I needed help...but I was freaking out thinking my father was going to die.A cop drove me home&my ride took me to hospital&work called said get there or I was fired...with my prison record it took me a year to get a job&so I went in.
Well my pain got worse&worse&with no insurance&no proof of injury noone would see me.I'm COVERED in tattoos&I use that word litely.Well people look@me&judge.Drs constantly turned me away.Said need a mri or ct scan&Couldn't afford it.Got to where I cant lift arm above hip for more than a minute @a time&it falls asleep all the time.It hurts so bad before I got treated I would stay awake till I just couldn't or Id cry myself to sleep...this big tattood greaser crying in a ball.
Well after about
10 docs one finally saw me& told me without insurance all she could do was treat the pain with pain medicine, she rx me 15mg oxi insta relief 4x a day and all went well still have the pain but I was able to manage. I lost my job because of this before I got treated&now I just fix cars on the side. I have really bad arthritis but with the meds,oxi,nabutone,ruboxin, I was able to work through it. is that a lot better.
Now last week someone I know who has the same doctor told me they got a letter saying the Dr was moving. I called because I did not receive a letter and was told she was
opening a woman's health center and refferd me another Dr in the old office. well long story short doctor told me she doesnt prescribe narcotics. I asked about
my withdrawals and she said she fInd another doctor. Ive never missused my meds or took more than rx.I went home tons of calls now going to see another Dr tomorrow. my old doc office said sorry were not taking men. I'm so scared the doctor tomorrow. will not help me like all the others.
I have a 1 year old&a newborn ..noway I can detox I can't afford suboxne & plus the pain will still be there. if she doesn't help I think I may breakdown I'm so lost...sorry so long&my puncuation or lack of&spelling sucks.
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