Hi, Tammystew, and welcome! Your subject line caught my eye because I went through the groin pain this winter. It was like raw nerve pain and I barely could lift my feet off the floor and trying to get my legs into bed was a trick!
I went to a rheumatologist (I have fibromyalgia) and he ran a lot of blood work and took many x-rays and also MRI's and discovered I had ankylosing spondylitis. I had no disc problems at all! But the inflammation from this illness was putting pressure on the nerves and caused the pain. He put me on ibuprofen with food and a muscle relaxer called Robaxin and now I have no more groin pain!
It was a simple solution for me and it could be for you, too. BUT you do have to see a doctor to make sure what is going on with you. As was said by another member, we are not doctors here so we really don't know what is going on.
I hope you do head to the doctor. That pain is horrible. Let us know what you find out because we really do care about you.