Hello again Screaming Eagle. You must be a very strong person to have gone off of your oxy while still working. I just couldn't imagine!!!!!!!! It's been a rough couple of days. Since I was taking the Tramadol I truly didn't realize how it really put a stop to the pain of withdrawal. Since stopping it I have had numerous painful symptoms. I have lost 10 pounds since beginning this adventure (not that that is a bad thing, but not the most healthy way either). I am so weak I can barely walk to the kitchen to get some soup when hubby is at work. Last night was the worst. I decided to forgo the valium for a benadryl so that I could get some sleep. BIG MISTAKE! It made me sick, I couldn't sleep, I had horrific restless leg syndrome, etc. etc. I finally broke down and took a valium on top of the benadryl and got some relief around 2am. I slept for a couple of hours and then took a nap today........
However, today is a new day and with that new hope. Most of the body aches are gone. Surprisingly (now I don't want to jinx myself here) but most of the pain in my lower back that kept me down all of these years is gone. I still have pain in my thoracic spine but not where I was having all of the pain at my surgical sites while on the pain meds so it makes me wonder. Could I be one of those lucky ones with Hyperalgesia? Only time will tell. But if the pain comes back and it becomes intolerable again I will go back on the meds and I agree, like Tina said maybe that's what I needed to do, reset. If I do go back on them it will be for life because I never want to go through this again. There are a host of problems we with chronic pain have to deal with both on and off pain meds so it is definitely a double edge sword.
Reading some of the stories on this site, I am surprised at the number of people who are affected by chronic pain. It's a hard way to live. There are so many times I try to think back to a time when I was able stand in line somewhere and not hurt or to go hiking for the day somewhere, etc. But it helps to see I am not alone, although it hurts to see so many suffer.
Okay, I think I am worn out now but I will post again in a couple of days.
Thanks for writing me back