Janet the Spinal Pain Clinic I go to has been urine testing for years and years and years! First thing you do, is pick up the little brown bag, they have sitting there and then go to the restroom. I have no problems with doing it! I spent over 22 years in the military and they pulled random drug test all the time! And when they did it, they had somebody watch you, and the person watching you, had to see the urine leave the body and into the cup! They assigned the Senior NCO's to do that job. And believe me, that is worse than having to give the sample! Retiring as a Senior NCO I had been called upon several times to spend the day monitoring random drug testing. So going to a spinal pain clinic giving a urine sample each time is no big deal. In fact, it was the second or third time that I went to this clinic, that a patient was raising cain about
the clinic not providing him his pain meds. Finally the doc came out and told him he did not need them, because the last two times his urine did not show any medication in it, and then the doc asked him, if he wasn't taking the medications he was given, what was he doing with them? The patient got a little huffy and immediately left, without answering his question!
In this day and age, I don't blame doctors at all for wanting to test, it gives them allot of information about their patients, and also protects them from trouble. You always want to believe a patient is honest and true, but we all know reality, and that is not always the case, but you have to have proof! The test gives it! As I said it is much better than the way they used to do it in the military back when I was in the service!
White Beard