So I had my very 1st appt. at the pain management clinic. Things went well. They mailed me all the paperwork that I needed to fill out, so I could take my time and do it correctly. The appt. was great! I had a great Doctor, the nurses were great, everyone was super chilled out. I could not have found a problem if I had tried. The info my PCP sent him was all outdated and half of it was wrong. So when we figured that out, he simply shut my folder grabbed a blank sheet and started writing away. Taking all the VITAL info that he needed. He totally trusted me and therefore I trusted him. He then walked me through my sedation and procedure, making sure I completely understand everything.
The nurse anesthesia (sp) came into room and started the Iv, then led me to the procedure room. The Dr. did like an epidural about
t2 and snaked the catheter into the space in my neck where disc is bulging onto a batch of nerves.
All I remember about the procedure was getting onto table and hearing "double margharita". LOL Then I was getting up and being led to the most comfiest leather recliner ever. They made my appt. for next visit while I waited there. I can not say enough good about this office.
Yes I had to sign a contract, but I don't mind. If you take your meds like your supposed to there should never be a problem. I am sure as a new pt. I will have plenty of questions- so therefore will make plenty off calls. But everything seems to be straight forward. Dr. does 'x'+ pt. does 'y'=good relationship! Yeah....for me.