I had to skip PT today because I had an emergency and had to take my poor pooch to the vets, and they were running so late. (Kitty emergency).
So I haven't done PT since Friday (last week) and some of yesterday and the whole of today, I am in a lot of pain, my meds aren't working and I've maxed out how much Tylenol I can take in one day, so I'm against the wall even there. I was doing pretty okay, but the swelling in my right groin/thigh is back up to three inches larger (than baseline) and the swelling even extends, though not as much, down to my mid thigh, and that puffy poofy squishy ball of edema that, like anything else that's been swelling since my surgery, waxes and wanes. I feel like I'm going to split and pop.
I've been laying on ice the entire day other than my 3 hour excursion of sitting and driving and sitting and more sitting then driving the pooch back home with his "cone of shame" in place.
My back hurts. I don't want to sit, I don't want to move, I've had a headache that just won't go away (almost every day).
I see my PCP on Tuesday next week at my regular 2 week appointment. My hip surgeon doesn't expect me to return for a year, and I'm sure when I go for PT on Friday, when I bring this up, I'll get told how some swelling is to be expected.
I had surgery on 6/10 and have more swelling now than I did after surgery. This is all shades of messed up. I'm so tired. Sorry guys, had to vent. I hurt, I'm lopsided, my foot's on fire, and with the incredible amount of water I drink, I can't emphasize enough how painful my right thigh is to sit, much less getting in and out of my hospital bed where my Polar Cube ice pack is. Whine, whine, whine,.....I guess I do it here so I don't have to whine to my family.
This blows.