Thanks for the tips. I have unfortunately been dealing with this stuff for over a decade now. I wasn't so bad when it all was an occational flare, like mabe once or twice a year it got really bad. I was on intermittent pain meds until about 2004, when I finally had to go on a full pain management program. Started with methocarbinal and vicodin, then transitioned to flexeril and oxycodone. I stayed on that for a while then nortriptaline was added to the mix. I had bad side effects with that, so then it changed to gabapentin and oxy, I was able to stop the flexeril. Then I weaned off all medication, was good for about 6 months, had a major flare, and I havn't been the same since.
I have been taking different things to find what works, fighting insomnia, etc. but what it boils down to is that I am the sole provider for my family, I have the high income job. I cant stop working. I am barely able to tolerate working, and the only way I can make it is with the meds I am on. I have managed to do very well career wise even being medicated...but as I get older, my issues and resulting pain is growing. If I do not take the medications, I can barely hold up my head. I have 4 herniated discs in my neck, 4 levels with each having varying degrees of narrowing from mild to severe...I have arthritis at the level of what would be expected on someone twice my age. They do not know what caused my back issues...only that I have significant issues. I hav been able to avoid surgery thus far.
Unfortunately, the meds that work for my pain are also ones that make me incredibly sleepy. My doctor is aware of it, but there really is no alternative at this time. He just added the Cymbalta to see if that can help out but I just started it last week. It also has an effect of making one sleepy.
Flexeril is the main culprit but it is also the one that provides the most relief. I use Skelaxin during the day when I am at work and then as soon as I get home it is flexeril and an icepack. I have tried various combos, meds, etc. but unfortunately, this is the only way that I can continue to work. With even lower doses the pain gets so bad that I can barely hold up my head.
He wants to try a nerve ablation but unfirtuntely my insurance sucks and I don't have the couple thousand $$ it would cost me out of pocket to have just the testing done...but that is pretty much the final thing I haven't tried before exploring the surgical route.