Hi sprinter, and welcome to HW.
While I'm not a medical professional and cannot give advice as such, I can share certain things I've learned along the way.
One thing is, if your pain is due to wisdom teeth removal, I suspect it will be more acute than chronic and will pass. What really works is warm (not hot) salt water rinses. The salt has an osmosis effect, it will help with pain and inflammation, bruising and healing. Several times every single day, and you must gently swish for at least 60 seconds and don't go drinking something after to get rid of the salty taste.
There are some foods considered inflammatory such as fruits that have small seeds, dairy, sugar, processed foods, even some citrus foods. Carbo-laden foods can cause water retention and that can cause the pain of pressure.
Since it's your mouth, watch your diet and eat gently, broths, soups, fresh made smoothies with frozen fruit.
The strangest one I've heard about is iced-tea (not hot tea or coffee at all). I still don't know why. But it can, for me, exacerbate back pain.
Make Orajel your best friend.
Follow your oral surgeon's recommendations to the letter!! No rinses with alcohol in them.
Don't know much more about your pain,....any other details?
PS: I love eggs too. Really, really love them and eat them almost daily.
PPS: I'd avoid foods causing gas simply because they can build pressure up in your stomach, sometimes trigger a GERD incident, and that pressure can be felt right up into your jaw sometimes.
PPSS: Stay super hydrated, WATER...not soda, coffee, energy drinks or juice.