Welcome chronic, and you too emily and quad.
Chronic, emily has a good idea - try the injection. Since it'll have to be a thoracic spine, probably facet joint, you will need an anesthesiologist pain doc to do it. Nobody else is qualified (that I've heard of). I've had a few there for slipping ribs. A facet joint injection is only a test and does not last long, sometimes only a few days of weeks. But if it does work then you can have a nerve ablation (heating up the outer fat layer of the nerve) that should last months or years. There are a couple of other types of injections in the spine that may also work for a while.
Injecting in the front of my ribs didn't do anything.
But there's another type of problem you should look up yourself because your doctors may not think of it: abdominal wall trigger (or tender) points from an incision that traps a cutaneous (skin) nerve and many other causes.
http://myofascialtherapy.massagetherapy.com/trigger-points-in-the-abdominal-wall--medical-article A simple injection of local anesthetic might stop the problem. I had this complication too after a surgery. Pain meds won't work on unless they're enough to knock you out.
All these injections sound scary, but they're not at all bad, lots better than the pain! If you're a hysterical sort you can ask for something, but I've had all the injections and ablations without and my head felt better from not getting sedation. You get local anesthetic, so mostly there is just pressure.
I've also had all the "nerve meds" and have never had any good results from any of them. I keep on trying, so I can avoid taking higher and higher narcotics, but the injections, and especially the ablations, have been most successful. My docs don't like to give out anything stronger than tramadol, which takes the edge off but isn't nearly enough.
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