Hi Alcie,
I added another post to the other thread, but sought out your post here and am so very sorry that you are going through all of this. I will share that I have found that activities that require looking down for long periods does increase my pain and neurological symptoms, too. I found out from trying to paint baseboard in a couple of rooms. I paid for that for a few weeks with pain and tingling in my hands, legs and feet. I do not get hints that I'm going to have a problem, it just hits as significant pain, so it often takes me awhile to determine which activities cause problems.
I do hope the physician who did your surgery is following up and monitoring your healing. If you've had any x-rays, or scans since the surgery, the Dr. should be able to tell you the progression of the fusion.
Although it my be atypical, I had no signs of fusion at 6 months and just 3 months later show strong fusion on the x-rays. Try not to be discouraged, but do look to your Dr. for help with your questions and pain relief.
I wanted answers that the Dr. could not give me and I had to wait and see and it was very challenging. I have had to take a sleeping aid for months and I do handle the pain and stress of recovery much better when I am well rested.
I do have headache issues from time to time, especially when laying down. I notice that they often improve when I am upright, so I'm pretty sure they are neck related. 7 months out from surgery is still early, even though it may not feel that way.
Following my first c-spine surgery it was well over a year until things calmed down for me. I know this may not be the news you are looking for, but it may give you hope that things can improve.
I too, have trouble sometimes discerning if muscle spasms are from the neck issues or just typical overuse, etc. It's so hard, but it can get better.
I certainly hope and pray that you will soon find relief for your multi-faceted problems. Hang in there and I hope you are well on your way to healing and feeling better!
Hi Lake, I made paragraphs so it would make your post easier to read. Some of us have tracking problems when trying to read.
Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 3/9/2014 4:24:56 PM (GMT-6)