Hi Thundercloud, personally unless it was just a very light superficial type massage, I would not go to a massage therapist or a chiropractor period! At least with my spine being the way it is!
With the leg pain your describing and the toes feeling like their on fire, it sure sounds like nerve impingment to me. Before getting a massage or seeing a chiropractor, I would go to your neurosurgeon appointment first. You might be surprise on what he says about your MRI, they are trained in reading those scans, and often they can point out stuff that is not even evident by a normal doctor, and even sometimes the radiologist reading the scans.
Anyway to answer your question, yes I have experienced pain after a massage, and that is why I don't get them! heck one year my (then wife) brought me one of those massage things that go in a chair, or recliner and you lay back on it and it feels like it has marbles going around in circles massaging your back. Anyway it caused the muscles in my back to spasm really bad, so I took it back! I keep away from all those things. I even have an adjustable bed, with a host of different massage settings for both the upper and and lower parts of the bed. I have used it once and it really was uncomfortable for me so I don't use it! It came with the bed so I had no option of getting it, if I wanted the adjustable part! Anyway I guess I have a problem with that type of thing! LOL
Good Luck to You!
White Beard