link is my own story here at Healing Well. My surgery was 10 months ago. I feel much better but still healing. It's a year long recovery, at least. Very glad I did it.
I have Medicare A and B plus a supplement-Plan G-that costs $114 per month. It pays for whatever Medicare does not cover after I pay $147 annual deductible-first visit anywhere. After that everything is covered to anyone who accepts Medicare. I also have to pay for Drug coverage-found the cheapest policy at since I don't take many meds. (There is some good info on this site about discount cards for meds.) I encourage you to look at and get your own specific information. If you qualify for extra help it could be great! When I turned 65 recently I found it all very confusing and was getting so much info in the mail and phone calls that I was just overwhelmed. Finally I called an insurance rep who had advertised on FaceBook, rather than all those who were pestering me. He then mailed me info that was much easier to understand comparing the different supplement Plans A,C,F,G,N, etc. Since having this I've had a sleep study with CPAP equipment added to my life, plus a visit to my dr for shoulder impingement syndrome with x-rays and PT for that. No charges for any of that other than the monthly premium.
It's a shame that after finding a great support place you can easily spend too long and end up hurting from it. I certainly understand that. Come here as much as you can but take care of yourself.