I know I haven't posted here in quite a few months. I don't hardly post in the Prostate Cancer forum much anymore.
I am looking for articles, stories, links, etc., that would help explain to the non-believers, that we, who live every day in severe chronic pain, despite our pain meds, can still experience so much pain anytime we are awake.
Got some close family members, that are having doubts (I believe its out of sincere ignorance on the subject), that I could possibly hurt as much as I say, after over 4 1/2 years on pain meds.
I know some of you have been dealing with CP way more years than me, but what you can say or do or prove, to someone that either doesn't understand CP, or can comprehend the life that those with severe CP live?
Could use some help. Have done some on-line searching on my on, but can't seem to find anything concise or easy enough to share, want this to be something educational preferably, if possible.
Thank you in advance for any help.
PS Nothing much has changed on my end, CP levels still the same, same meds as before, same cancer situation and same radiation damage. Biggest change, underwent major dental surgery 2 months ago, took about 3 1/2 hours, all teeth were removed, lots of bone removed, and they did work to the radiation damage in my left cheek. According to the VA, who did the work, it will be at least 2-3 more months before my gums are healed enough to be fitted for false teeth. Also, have unexplained weight loss of approx. 100 lbs since the first of this year. I am 5'8", and down to 128 lbs, and falling.