Occipital Neuropathy cases a certain kind of head ache. This type of head pain occurs due to irritation or pinching of nerves at the base of the skull. It can be caused by injury, disk herniation or brain tumors. These types of headaches are described as throbbing, stabbing, shock-like or jabbing pain on one side of the head. Some people also note scalp tenderness and sensitivity to light. This headache can be severe in character but is not life threatening.
Treatment options include applying warm moist heat to the neck, resting in a quiet environment, neck and muscle massage and a trial of OTC medications such as ibuprofen, Tylenol or Aleve. A medical doctor may prescribe stronger pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and antidepressant or anticonvulsant medications. Other options include nerve blocks and steroid injections. Rarely is surgery needed.
The implanted stimulator in my neck helps but sometimes I cannot tell the difference between this type of headache and the relief it gives.......kind of feathering feeling where the pain would have been.....they said.