It is a sad reality that with the vast expansive of medical imagery techniques, more and more any condition/dysfunction that is not visible as a structural problem on a CT scan, MRI, ultrasound or other is dismissed.
The human body is more than its structural/anatomical components. The functioning of the body - the physiological processes, how the body's organs and systems work - are at the root of many conditions.
Fibromyalgia is real. It is a syndrome, a collection of symptoms and ill effects. It involves a hypersensitivity of the sensory nervous system, sensory inputs are experienced at a higher volume than the expected/norm.
I do not have fibromyalgia myself, but I have little doubt but that in the years forthcoming the "realism" of fibromyalgia will become known to medical researchers and the condition validated.
For all that medical science knows, there is a significant amount that it does not know.
For all of your friends and family members who may discount you, you may want to remind them that there is a vast prairie of the functioning of the body that is not yet known or identified by science.
Lack of a finding on a CT scan or MRI or other imaging does not preclude that a serious condition exists. It only means that an anatomical or structural problem cannot be identified.
A CT scan or MRI scan does not identify functional/physiological maladies of the body. For example, I have complete pituitary failure and resultant widespread endocrine dysfunction. Endocrine disorders are an example of functional/physiological disorders. Endocrine disorders are not seen on a CT scan nor an MRI. The role of hormones, the body's chemical messengers, are pivotal in relaying information to keep the body's organs and systems functioning.
Sadly, many MDs now value CT scans and MRI scans as the holy grail. It can leave those with functional disorders (like endocrine disorders and the syndrome which is fibromyalgia) lacking in receiving compassionate and appropriate care.
Hold your head high. Continue to believe in yourself. As we all must do, those of us with chronic illness that may not be visible on the outside to others.
- karen -
Post Edited ((Seashell)) : 6/5/2016 7:32:53 AM (GMT-6)