One more question and then I won't bother you anymore for awhile --- How do you tell if AI is the cause of pain?
I can distinguish mechanical pain --- it is localized, tends to get better over time, or at least I can do or not do something that makes it better. Inflammation markers are low or normal.
Inflammatory pain is much the opposite --- it may start out localized but spreads and gets worse over time and nothing seems to make it better and gets unbearable. Inflammation markers are significantly elevated. It responds to prednisone. Mechanical pain also responds to prednisone but I try not to use it for that kind of pain.
Then there is pain presumably due to AI but I don't really know. It is chronic baseline pain but it seems to be dialed up or down based on the prednisone dose.
I haven't experienced anything remotely like an adrenal crisis. I have had episodes which I call a "pain crisis" but they happen even when I am taking prednisone at the usual dose of 10 mg. That usually involves an ER visit and/or a mega dose of prednisone.
Do you have any insight into what pain caused by AI is like? If the pain is caused only by AI would inflammation be high or low?
I will try to let you know what the endocrinologist has to say but I expect it may be awhile for the next appointment.
I can only imagine what you have been through. I only have pain to deal with but I have mostly gotten used to that.
Thank-you for all the information and I wish you well !!!
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Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 10/14/2018 4:04:37 PM (GMT-6)