Hey y'all,
Last year I had a whiplash injury from sports. The day after the injury I experienced intense pain, a racing heart that could not be brought down, vomiting and excruciating pain all over my body. The pain was so bad I experienced dissociation in the form of DP/DR. I've had an X-ray and MRI of the neck, both came back normal. An MRI of the brain also came back normal. I have bad but manageable pain everyday in my neck and head. Thankfully the pain is predictable. The only time a pain flare up occurs is if my neck is seriously jarred. For example, I was working out in the gym doing squats and felt something in my neck pop/ be pulled as I was coming up from the squat. Later that night experienced a pain flare up similar to the first one and had to be taken to the E.R.. I've been through many doctors but none of them take my pain seriously or simply refuse to offer effective treatment. I've had trigger point injections, nerve blocks, tried an ssnri's, did physical therapy, and chiropractics. Nothing has offered any relief. The only thing that keep me sane in the midst of this incessant pain is exercise and meditation. I want nothing more than to have my old life back. If anyone has similar experiences or can offer insight into what I am dealing with (treatments, diagnosis, etc.) I would be eternally grateful.
Never out of the fight,
James M.
Post Edited (James M.) : 4/15/2020 8:09:24 PM (GMT-6)