straydog said...
How long have you been getting the 4 boxes every 30 days? The reason I am asking is 4 boxes is 60 days worth of treatment. I am surprised your dr writes your script that way, a pharmacy would fill it or your insurance approving it. Typically it's 2 boxes for a 30 day script. They don't allow for a patch that may come off either.
The 3 boxes you got on 7-30 is your fill which is what a pharmacy goes by, not the date the script is written. The 3 boxes are considered 45 days of medication. I've had this happen to me when the pharmacy did not have my medication on hand & it throws things off. I suspect what is happening is the pharmacy is looking at prior dates your scripts have been filled. I would go to the pharmacy & get a printout of your medications that has been filled this year.
This is the only thing I can think of.
Hi. No, my prescript
ion is for 4 boxes per month. The amount has never been an issue, and isn't the issue now.
I've been in PM a long time, had this same prescript
ion around a decade, and used the same pharmacy the whole time.
Because of a combination of factors, including the patches never supplying anything near the stated amount for the entire 3 day/72 hour period they're worn I have to stagger them. I guarantee the prescript
ion is 4 per month, it has been for many years.
If it was a 60 day supply it would actually work in my favor, as I'd only need about
2.5 boxes for a 38 day period, and wouldn't run out by 8/29 since 4 boxes have been dispensed since 7/23.
My doctor has been highly involved in my treatment and the dose and timing of wearing the patches was arrived at during a thorough process of titration and evaluation, and testing out different options, but as I said the amount itself isn't the issue.
I didn't bring up the date the prescript
ion was written because it's irrelevant, every date I've mentioned is related to pharmacy dispensing.
7/23 is the date 1/4 of the prescript
ion was dispensed for cash payment while waiting for Prior Authorization approval from insurance. On this date I was informed about
the 1 month window.
If I had enough $ to purchase the entire prescript
ion on that date I would have, but things have been tight lately, and it didn't make sense to fork over all that $ when the insurance was going to kick in a few days/week later.
7/30 is the date the insurance coverage kicked in, and it covers the entire prescript
ion every month for several months into the future. The pharmacy dispensed 3/4 of the prescript
ion at this time.
8/22 is the original date I was given for the next 1 month cycle.
8/29 is the newly proposed date for the next cycle that I was given recently.
7/23 - 8/22 = 1 month
7/23 - 8/29 = 38 days
I hope this clears things up.