Posted 3/14/2015 1:03 AM (GMT 0)
For the last two days my jaw (for lack of a better term) has been hurting. It's a pain I've never felt before. On a scale of pain, I'd say it's distracting to me, but not debilitating. The best way to describe it is it almost feels as though my mouth is constantly experiencing something sour. The pain is bilateral and emanating from the bottom of my sideburns down to where the corner of my jaw is and begins moving forward, as well as a little forward on my cheek area. I have included a picture with the general area where it hurts. There is an X over a spot that I can push on and it is really sore/painful, a little more than the rest. When this first started I assumed I had been grinding my teeth at night, which sometimes makes my jaw sore. But this is different than that pain that I've had before. I don't appear to be swollen anywhere on my face or neck. I'm fairly self-aware of my body so I'd notice that significant change immediately. If there is any swelling I haven't noticed (inside mouth or out). The pain doesn't appear to be worse if chewing or just sitting around, so I don't think it's a tooth, although I do have several crowns on my molars (from grinding the enamel off in my sleep). I brush my teeth twice a day for several minutes with an electric toothbrush, and I drink plenty of water (probably 1/2 to 1 gallon per day).
I've read some stuff about parotitis, which is about as close as I've come in diagnosing myself...but it doesn't seem to completely fit. I don't have a fever, I don't see anything visibly swollen, and chewing doesn't seem to help/hurt the pain very much. I only came across it because someone mentioned the sour gum type pain.
So far I've tried naproxen, aspirin, etc...nothing seems to help it.
Here is a pic of where it hurts: