From Meheroger,
I have recently been prescribed both Opana ER and Opana for immediate release. It's only been two days but I am happy with the relief I'm getting. I've been on Duragesic patches, Oxycodone, ( very large dose,) Methadone, and Morphine Sulfate. The results were never really satisfactory, always some untoward side effects. I was recently told by a pharmacist about "Opiod rotation. The idea is to change pain relieveing meds, especially opiates every 6 monthe to a year to not only counteract side effects, (my worst ones are bloating and chronic constipation.)My pain doc understood and immediately swiched mw to Opana. Lucky for me it has just been approved-I was the first person to get it filled a a local pharmacy! As for the constipation, my acupuncturist has given me an ancient chinese remedy called, "Seven Forests." It has already given me relief, (four easy bowel movements in two days!), and the bloating continues to subside. If you are experienced with opiod pain relief and want to try something that might be better, discuss the possibility of Opana with your doc. The only problem I had was with Medicais which held up fillinf it for an extra day until informed that I had already been on Fentanyl patches, (terrible rashes,) and morphine. I'm now taling 2 doses of Opna ER one every 12 hours and Opana IM for beakthroug. I'm happy so far with the results. Anyone else newlt taking it out there? Write back. I'd love to hear that someone else in benefitting as well!