THanks for all of your feed back. I really do appreciate it. Most of you said I should discuss with my PM doc about
switching to one 20 in the am and two in the pm. But what if the two 20's in the morning are the reason I am not having as much pain In the am and more in the pm. I am affraid if I take only one in the am that it will not be enough to cover the pain. I think I will discuss with my PM doc possibly taking two in the am and two in the pm. Maybe this would be better. If this is the case I believe there are 40mg Oxycontins so maybe i can ask my doc if maybe it would be in my best interest to switch to 40mgs and only take one of those in the am and one in the pm. This would also cut down on the amount of pills i am taking. As always though I will ask my doctor what he thinks of it. I always tell him how I am feeling , when my pain is less and when more and he always makes recommendations. I always trust him in making the right decisions although he includes me in the decision process. I bring something up and he tells me what he thinks and we both come to a conclusion on what is best for me. He never makes a decision without it being ok with me. THat is what I like about
him. He really cares and really listens.
I also asked in my previous post about my breakthrough meds. I am taking perc 10/325 3x day as needed. I would rather take something without tylenol. Is there such a thing? Does tylenol actually help pain? Does the combination of tylenol and oxycodone together have better pain relieving qualities? I just dont want to take tylenol if it is not needed. I know it hurts your liver over time. Or another thing i could do is take less of the long acting meds and possible more of the short acting ones or maybe ones with higher dosed of the oxycodone. I am just asking these question to get opinions as i am sure many of you have been through the same thing I am going through. Does it usually take a while to figure out what medicines and in what doses and combinations are best for you? I quess it is trial by error. I am just lucky to have a great doctor. I will definitly let him know what is going on with my pain and my concerns about the tylenol and listen to what he says. He always makes a decision after we have both talked about it and the decision is one we make together. Can i have some feedback? Thanks
Also, I have had PT, two steroid facet injections, wear a back brace and I am set to have a radial frequency lesion soon. Has anyone had this RFL performed? Does it work? For how long? What are the side effects? I would love any feed back. THanks again and I am sorry for talking so much. BTW I have low back and leg pain. Horrible pain in the hip knee and thigh. I have facet joint disease or sydrome, and spondylolythesis. Also and occational bulging disc. I am constantly in pain and I really hope this radial frequecy lesion works so I can either stop the meds or at least lesson them significantly.
Thanks and I wish you all great qualities of life