Hello Pain Friends,
I too have been in just about all of these situations over the last three years or so.
With spinalcord stimulators (10 1/2 hours to put in) and plastic inplants and screws and wiring up and down my back to about 15 sympathetic blocks and could go on forever!!!
There is no dobt the imediate need is for the fastest relief possible. (pills and needles) But scince I cant get some needles and that freezing stuff injected, Ill stick with the pills. Like everyone, they start with some percs and then dont work good enough or long enough. From there everyone seems to travel diferent pain pathways. I did the gabapentin and nuerotin and several other pills throughou a few years. always taking some form of pain pill.Oxycontins 10mg percs. After a year or so I moved up to dillaudid2mg, then when that wasnt good evough I went with dillaudid 4mg. All in the meantime having excrusiating procudures because at pain managment thier is a a-z or 1-10 trial and error period. Finally I graduated to morphine pills I forget the mg's but from there I went straight down to the dark side.Within 4 months on morphine I was SO ADDICTED to pain meds I coulnt get enough. The first time I called my script in early, he signed it and there was no problem. Second time I wanted another script early I was completely shutdown. Within 1 day I was absolutly INSANE FROM WITHDRAWING. End up getting 20 percocetts from a friend and I ate all 20 within 4-5 hours and it coulndt touch my soul from being ripped apart. From there I went straight to the ER, just wanting to die more than in my whole life put together, and they gave me a shot of dilladid that lasted about an hour or so and jumped right into hells grip again. 12 hours later I ended getting shipped to a detox localy and stayed there for 6 days.
I have a mortgage and two boys along with everything else normal, but the reason I tell this long boring story is because now matter what you get for meds, there is always going to be somthing that could work better, BUT its not always the best thing to do.I never asked for a ealier prescription before the morphine. These medications have a way of sucking you in. It took me 3 years with the heavy doses in second half of rehabing.
somtimes its better to be a little patient than to go for the hi-test right away
I have crps and cant get rid of it.
I continue to take cymbalta,lyrica,ambien cr and dillaudid. I take exactly what the script says or i call up the doctor to o.k. any changes if I wanted one. I will NEVER withdraw again. If and when I need to get off my meds, I will very slowly do it with the concent of my doctor so no problems arrise.
Sorry about the long post but just remember, once you hit the mophine scene there is none stronger, only more of it to be taken, and then no matter who you are you will have problems.
just an opinion,