I have not been around in months i know. I have been still reading the boards just not enough energy to write at times, plus i started my full-time Bachelors program and it takes all of my time.
I just wanted to say I am doing okay for the most part, pain has increased, my doctors are no help. My PCP changed offics so i had to get a new one who does not beleive in Fibro and then the other says she thinks narcotics are for addicts, so yeah...
I have been on some form of pain med, currently vico-profuen, works the best so far. However, they want to stop me and reduce it to 2 a day just like that when i have been taking anywhere from 6-8 for over a year with my other doctors care. Will i go through withdrawals?
I also took myself off of all the Anxiety and depression meds they kept telling me i needed since they said it was all in my head, nice. I gained 45 pounds in a years time on all those meds. I went cold turkey and I did great. I never had trouble with the pills and my pharmcist said since i did so well i could tolerate cold turkey and having the pain meds helped. Also, i just switched meds to celexa a month ago and they said this would help because the paxil was already gone from my system and the celexa was not taken long enough to effect me so bad. Best thing i did, i am a week off of them and not completly tired anymore and can sleep so much better.
Anyway, I am also moving in 2 weeks on Halloween Day to California with my kids only. Many who have known me on the boards know that my boyfriend (now ex) was horrible to me and no support whatsoever with my pain condition. So i have been planning my move for quite some time and am so excitied and scared to start over, but it is time.
Well thats pretty much it. I am not feeling too hot today, they put me on Naproxen for pain since they want me off of the vicodin and this stuff really hurts my tummy... not good. I told them but they said give it more time, blah. So i will.
I hope your all doing great.
Please let me know...
Missed you all.