I'm sorry if this is off topic from chronic pain, but as a person who suffers from chronic pain I was hoping for some advise. I have been taking pain meds for over 5 years now for severe lower back pain and have felt like I never had a 'problem' with taking narcotics cause I know I need them to contol my pain and give me a better quality of life so I can take care of my kids. I am on disability for the pain and depression thats come along with it. Well I am having alot of problems with family not understanding especially my father. This morning I asked him if he would help me pay for a doctor's visit I had yesterday for a ear and sinus infection so I wouldnt have to spend my christmas money, and he freaked out on me. He called me a drug addict( eventhough they didnt prescribe me any narcotics, just antibiotics) and threatened to take away my children. I dont know what made him suddenly start saying these things. He's done this before but I feel like I've had enough of it, I know I dont deserve to be told this stuff, if anybody should feel I have an issue with addiction it should be my pain specialist and he's never mentioned ANYTHING to me. I have no problems personally just cutting off all communication with my father but the problem is is that my kids love him to death especially my son, he's the only male role model in his life. But I really feel that I cant be around him anymore, he's been treating me like garbage since I was a little child. It's just that I dont know what do to. He always accuses me off stealing his money when I have never stolen a thing in my life and especially would never steal from loved ones.
Well anyways, the question I'm asking is if anyone else here has a similar problem or could tell me what I should do. I have to do something but I dont want to hurt my kids. thank you for listening.