I am at my wits end; please help me. My "caretaker" is putting me down right & left.
My caretaker and I have been bf/gf off and on for 22yrs. I have no family so he is the only one I have to depend on. Having always been blessed with good health, he has no clue what pain or depression are all about. He is now living with me, supposedly to help me. Yes, he does fix my food, empty my porta potty, help me bathe, etc.- most of the physical things that I cannot do from a wheelchair. As for emotional support, it just isn't there. He constantly belittles me or raises his voice if I don't verbally respond the way he thinks I should. Three things he NEVER says are Please, Thank You, and I'm Sorry. I have always had a cat since we met. He has never liked cats but will begrudgingly feed the one I have now. Other than that he aggravates her from the time he gets home from work 'till he goes to bed. I think he does this either because he is jeasous of her or knows I can't do anything about it. By the way I do not depend on him financially. I recieve a regular retirement check each month which is alot more than he makes.
Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for what he does do for me and I thank him every day. But he never says anything positive. I hate being dependent on him. I think his negativity is greatly affecting my depression. All he has to say about that is "Snap out of it!!".
I will be so glad when I get the Spinal Cord Stimulator (April 24th). I have high hopes that I will be able to walk and take care of myself again. He tells me it won't work.
If anyone can give me tips on how to deal with this kind of person it would be greatly appreciated!