My sincere apologies to anyone who took offense to my post, especially you, CLOE. I haven't posted on this board in a long time, so you are obviously not used to my odd sense of humor.
I simply saw the word as a typographical mistake, which we all make, probably on a fairly regular basis. I just saw the word as amusing, because fluctuations in hormones can make some people, especially me, a little nuts. I'm not talking about a negative mental illness, just the standard mood-swing stuff, and the wackyness that a lot of females experience at the mercy of their hormones. I don't have any control over my hormones, and can't do any hormone replacement therapy or take "the pill" because of a bloodclot I got after having my gall bladder removed. The "mental" part wasn't directed at anyone, just a common symptom than many women encounter surrounding their menstral cycle. If you read my health problems under my signature, I clearly list moderate depression and panic/anxiety disorder, both of which are "mental" illnesses for which I take medication, and am not ashamed to share with others.
PaLady...As for editing my post, I wouldn't know what to edit. I reread the entire post, and I wasn't taking anyone to task for anything or making fun of anyone.
Cloe said...
Leigh Ann
I don't appreciate your title of this thread, I feel once again like a victim, exposed and humiliated because of your action. With all due respect, I didn't say I was menopausal, I was asking a question.
If recall correctally mentalpausal is not a word.
Have a great day!
I don't know you, Cloe, so why on earth would I choose you to pick on? Picking on people is not why we come here. I included your name in the thread title mearly to make a connection, to share, laugh, and commerserate with a fellow CP sufferer. I didn't say anything about you being menapausal. I don't know why you feel like a victim, but that's your hang-up, not mine. I didn't direct any of my discourse on menapause toward you. Of course, "mentalpausal" isn't a word. I just thought the typo was funny, and anyone who read it should have seen it for what it couple of extra key-stokes. No biggie.
I greatly appreciate those of you who could see the humor in what I attempted to do. We CP'ers have to stick together and make the best of a bad situation. I'm sorry if my post made anyone feel bad. That was not my intent.
Leigh Ann