Marmite said...
Tom I noticed you mentioned methadone as a pain relief.
I was started on methadone and had never heard that it was used for pain. 99% of doctors, nurses and all medical people had never heard of it being used for pain relief either.
I got totally fed up with everyone, from A&E doctors to ward nurses and every one else, immediately i said "I have been prescribed for pain, methadone .." then b4 another word got out, it was always "What sort of junky are you?"
It was universal, they ehard the m word and it was immediately categorized as "must be a junky".
It was made a huge amount worse cos I considered that it wasn't giving me any pain relief whatsoever. I did take myself off it and did realise that was working, just didn't give me THAT much relief at all.
Earlier this week, I had an appointment with a pain consultant, the first KNOWN meeting I have had with a Pain Consultant in 13 years. He did say that methadone was a much less effective pain relief drug compared to Morphine Sulphate, for example. This explained what i suspected for all the time I was on it, and ceertainly when I was changed to the Morphine Sulphate I did get good to near perfect pain relief. Of course when it does get worse and the pills aren't sufficient I have to go hospital for jabs ITB [in the bum] of IV.
You may know that pills are only 30% as effective as the same amount by IV version.
As for the difference between men and women's bodies metabolising narcs or other pain meds, I have not heard this b4 and never thort about it. I do know that the pain that women go thru during child birth is extreme and considered twice as bad as what normal men will feel in a life time. I am aware of some pain which is considered worse, and that comes from women who have had babies!
From what I have been told, spinal fusion, where they fuse discs of the spine together, is reportedly the worst pain that is normally felt by people. How true that is, i have no idea!
Hi and welcome to the Forum ! Yes it is true my entire cervical spine was subject to fusion and the pain from a failed surgery can make one miserable and filled with pain with or without any movement.
In terms of i/v pain meds yes they are much more effective than pills.
Men vs women in terms of breakdown of medication I was only thinking out loud and still believe that narcotic's react differently in men vs women as there
are hormonal differences ( i believe) right now i probably wrong-- been awake too long-- others will chime in I'm sure with their opinion's to You. Tom