Hello all just an update on whats going on.
Made a phone call to get in with my othropedic surgeon as I have been in so much pain this last week and unable to sleep at all, Im living on about 3 hours a day and just cant function anymore.
Was told that the soonest I could get in was on the 25th of this month, I said that is not going to work, I cant go on like this I need to be seen. I got the sorry if it is that bad then you need to go to the emercancy room. Well that was it for me with this doctor, I have had issues with them from the start, so I went and demanded my mri and docotors notes. Come to find out that some of my visits havent even been dictated as of yet, man was I pissed off.
I told them I would be in tomorrow to get all my e-rays mri's and doctors notes and if they were not here that I would have my lawyer give them a call to see about a malpratice suit. Got dirty look but at this point I so didnt even care. I showed up the next day and all my stuff was done and in a package waiting for me lol.
For the first time sence my accident I felt like I was in contol of my treatment and man did it feel good. I made an appointment with another Ortho and was seen the following day.
This doctor was so much nicer and really listened to what I had to say, must confuss that I was in tears with this doctor not just out of pain but frustration as well.
She looked at my mri and all the doctors notes and x-rays.
She found a small hairline fracture oh my tailbone that the other doctors had missed! And that I prob had a lot of soft tissue damage to my lower back as a 47mph impact at a dead stop is a significant impact! Finally someone who agrees. Last doc actullay told me that there was a study done in Canada and that rear impacts never result in injury and they dont even x-ray you there!
Plus she made an appointment for me with the pain specialist for tommorw to get my pain under management. Just like that. She wants me to get sterdiod shots in my neck for hernatided dics c4/5. That to have my hand and fingers locking up really concerns her and she cant believe what I had been going through with docs and pain.
I know its silly but i felt so vendicated! Whated to go to old doctors and paint you are a a-- all over his walls lol sorry just was so mad.
Plus she gave me something to help me get some sleep...God hope that works have not slept in 6 weeks and I am so tired.
She did on the other hand tell me that soft tissue damage with the impact that I recieved can take a bit of time to heal, but at the least the pain management doc should be able to help a bit with that as well. But I prob am looking at a good amout of time sighssssssss. But at least this is a start and I am no longer in this stalemate.
Has anyone gotten steriod shots and if so how did they work for you all?
Thanks again for all your help and support.
And to those that have had the same problems with your doctors not listening GET A NEW DOCTOR! There are some out there that really care and listen. And it can make all the difference in the world.
Sometimes when something bad happens and we start loosing contol over the things in out lives we think we have no contol at all over anything I know I was thinking that. But we do have some control and our doctors are one thing we do have contol over!
Thanks so much