Hi Pamela,
I read a post of yours about a visit to the pain dr and was horrified when I read your post. Listen gal, you may not know this, but you are the one in control here, not that idiot that is a self serving moron.
I highly suggest that you Google chronic pain and a bunch of forums will come up and these forums will have names & addresses of CP drs listed. You may even find a patient that has tried a dr and has written about their visit. You may have to sign up to be a member to access the info I know I had to. I belong to several CP forums and you can get a ton of info on drs from them. Most of the drs have a website and will tell you about their practice. Thats better than getting a phone book out and making a cold call. I belong to several crohns disease forums and found them thru Google and they have drs that are for members needing a doctor.
First I would sit and make a list of things you expect from a pain dr and then when you contact the office you can ask the staff these questions. Usually, the staff will be upfront with you.
about all your current dr is doing is handing you a methadone script and insulting you to the max. You would not be considered "doctor shopping" when trying to find a doctor you like. When a person needs a doctor you should at least like, respect and trust him. If you don't have those three things going on, then its time to kick him to the curb.
How are your eggs coming along in your shoulders? I forgot to tell you it will probably take a good 4-5 days of Zanaflex for it really get in your system and work good. I sure hope you got relief.
My back is really giving me fits. If it weren't for the Zanaflex I would be up the creek w/o a paddle. The guy behind me has this huge silver leaf maple that is beginning to shed its leaves right into my backyard and pool. I am raking the yard once a day and scooping leaves out of the pool several times a day. Its killing me and my pain dr would have a fit. But, sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
By the way, I tried joining Pumpsters too and never heard back so I guess they don't want new members. The way I read it you have to have a pump to become a member.
But, please consider trying Google to find yourself a real doctor. Hugs, Susie