straydog said...
One question that I have asked before and no one could answer me. How do you know that extra pill for bad days is not too much or the particualr drug says not to take more than x a day? We are all pretty much on hard medications and I guess I ust be a chicken to go over than what is written. Maybe I am afraid I could OD I don't know. I just know I have a very healthy respect for my meds. Is your script written that would allow extra meds or what. I will be honest in the past six years not once did my pain mgt dr ever tell me I could take more than what was prescribed on the bottle. Who makes this decision to take extra meds, the patient or the dr? Prior to this when I was under another pm dr not once did he say I could have an extra, so I am intriqued here about this subject. Hugs Susie
I don't know about
other people, but my PM takes it as a show of good faith if I have a few extra pills left over at the end of the month. Scarred makes a good point, but for me it's for a different reason. My insurance will only approve up to 4 doses per day. Even though I'm on the lowest dose, it doesn't matter to them. My PM, if I have extras, will let me call him to get approval to take an extra dose (or two) on a bad day - we double dose so it's like getting the next higher dose of my medication. I just have to let him know I'm doing it. Personally, I would be too worried to take extras on my own. What if I got hit by a car or my house burned down or something & my PM told the ER/OR doc I was taking 4 doses a day, but really I had taken 5 or 6? That could end up endangering my life -- no amount of pain control is worth that to me. But we have a good system. I just call or email him that I am in horrid pain & how much I want to take & he will tell me okay and give any extra instructions he has for me. So far it's worked just fine. There really aren't any medical reasons why I can't take 5 every day, it's just the evil insurance rules. I try to play by their policies as much as I can, but sometimes they just don't allow you to get the treatment that would be best for you so me & my doctor worked out this plan to get around their rules on an occasional basis.
Hope that helps! I'm not criticizing anybody else nor am I suggesting you should do the same (just to be clear about
my intentions). Just explaining what me & my doctor have worked out to best care for my health & manage my pain. Maybe that helps clear up your question. If not, let me know & I can try to explain it differently.