Hi everyone.
I am due to see my PM doc next week, but just thought i would check here first.
I am having surgery to remove my ovaries due to chronic complications with them over the yrs. It will NOT be laperscopic but will be a full inscision like a C-Section (actually going through my section scar).
Since i have taken percocet for 8yrs now (5mg 3x a day), there is no way that will work for my surgical pain. I never thought to check w/ my PM when i was haing my csections, i just took what my OB gave me.....After reading everyone's posts, i assume i should discuss this w/ my PM.
My concern is that how would he be able to judge what i need, when he is NOT the acting surgeon? I don't want to have to see both my GYN and my PM post surgery either just to jump through hoops for my meds. Is it out of question to just tell him i want my OB/gyn to handle it? But that im just letting him know as a curtisy(sp)?
What do u all think? Do i discuss it w/ my PM or just forget about it??? I would not want to make him feel like i was trying to be sneeky or anything either....but again, i never did discuss it when i delivered my two children...was that my mistake?