Ace, I forgot to mention too, that some women think because they hit menopause they are suppose to do strange things. This sad but true, I think comes from some of the old wives tales,lol. The very same thing happens alot when a woman turns 40, so I think alot of it is just plain ole hype from our mothers, then their mothers
I have to agree with one of the other posters, she talked about hot flashes, hell I had hot waves. The heat started from the toes and moved all the way up and it felt like a heat wave not a flash,lol. Oh god, those were awful.
I really doubt your wife planning a trip has a thing to do with menopause. Have you considered she may have had enough and needs a break. Every person has their breaking point you know. Since she knows the cold bothers you she may feel it would have been senseless in inviting you along. Sorry, I just don't buy into the fact menopause played a role in this sorry to bust your bubble on that one,lol.
Have you noticed any change in her personality, such as being a quiet type and then suddenly she is the opposite? Any type of long term illness does affect the other close family members one way or the other. In some instances, I think at times its worse for them than us.
I know my husband wonders where that crazy lady is he married 21 yrs ago that went 500 MPH every single day. The one who could work 10-12 hours a day at a job then come home and start in there. The person who was packed up every Friday night and ready to hit the road for the weekend. We have a motorhome and so does our friends-we ran away from home every weekend and it was great. lol Entertain-oh I was quite the party girl, whether I was giving it or attending it. My life was full to the max. There just was not much more room left to squeeze anything else in. Unfortunately every stinking bit of this has changed. But, I have very good memories and CP has not taken those away from me.
PALady is so right about me-yes I do push myself, I always have long before CP came along. CP is not the only illness that has knocked my legs out from under me. Right now I am dealing with 3 auto-immune diseases that has really taken a toll on my health, two out three no remission attained at this point. I had 6 surgeries in less than 3 yrs and that was a tough cookie to bounce back from. Plus, COPD hit me hard and I have been on oxygen 24/7 for the past 2 yrs. So, yes, I do push myself and I intend to keep pushing. I feel as long as I am pushing things I am not letting my health win the war. I spent almost 2 yrs in a bed, that was no good, I had to get up.
Ace, you never commented on how your meds are covering your pain? I think you need some help in that area, then you will be able to move around somewhat. Hugs to all, Susie