I've been reading some material that absolutely blasts doctors who prescribe
Opiods. Terrible stuff. If I was a a pain doctor I really really wouldn't want to
read it.
Reading it made me so sad. The people who believe that Opiods are evil killers
have no idea what intractibe chronic pain is like.
Most of us have drastically changed our lives and our activities because of the pain.
What do the naysayers think people with pain should do? They have no f ing
idea what it is.
Arghhh .... I think I'll write something about
just what has changed in my life
in the past seven years because of this pain.
I can't do it now. Why? Because my pain level is too high. Probably 8 1/2. It's
been like that for days. I could almost give it a higher number because it's
never ending. Those people. Where is their understanding????