Susie; I ain't sure about
this stupid thread I think its going sideways on us LOL. I think your right about
going sideways a bit here. Time to backup and hit this slow and easy again. Where is that darn Corvette again?? PA have you seen my Corvette??? I left it tethered to that telephone pole by the entrance to the Grand Canyon. BTW why are we still at the Grand Canyon??? We waitin on somethin? Anyway Susie..maybe baby steps is what I need to take here but I don't know if I have time for baby steps do I? The Evaluation is fast approaching and I'm scared that some unresolved issue is just festering underneath waiting for that day when I'm sitting there in front of the psychologist to bubble its way out and screw me out of my last chance to be free of some of my pain. I really feel that this is my last chance for any evaluations...after all I've been through 2 already and this will make the third. I don't think WC is going to patiently wait for me to be ready anymore. I think its do or die this time ya know? But, I know I can do this because I have my HW friends behind me ready to help me along the way and in my cheering section with the pom poms shouting for joy at my triumphs. I'm ready to pass this last test and get the SCS going!! One way or the other this is going to happen right? With you all by my side I will be approved and the trial will happen very soon
Ack I hate the last hour before I can take my evening meds......dang I am in so much pain right now. Over did it today trying to get my house in order because my oldest son and his new wife are coming in for a visit in three weeks and I want the house to be clean. Gotta show it off ya know hehehehe. Well, I've babbled enough....until my next post hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss