If you've never seen a physical therapist, I'd strongly suggest you talk with your doctor about
it. No, it's not going to cure the remaining curvature, but your body has likely "adapted" by pulling and straining certain muscles, lengthening some while shortening others. Some types of activity may help, but some may hurt. You may be overdoing it. A good PT can show you maybe some stretch routines, get you on a program that's designed for you. The "no pain no gain" theory does NOT work - especially for us CPP's, so even if you're walking, you may be doing too much, going too fast. You're also walking on a hard surface if you go to hte mall, which is more stressful on joints.
Another thing is that talking with a therapist (psychologist, clinical social worker,, etc) who deals with chronic pain may also help you see how you can adapt your life in the future. I'd suggest talking with your doctor about
these things - PT, acupuncture, massage, etc. - as well as medication. This will help you manage pain in the long run, and you'll have to look at the long run, sadly. But the more you learn about
different approaches, what may help, what hurts, etc. the better you'll do.
oops! Almost forgot deep relaxation can also help. There are many avenues for this, but some of the best material is produced by Belleruth Naparstek (I have no financial connection with her or her website). You can listen to snippets of her CD's for free at healthjourneys.com. She does have one for chronic pain, and also for anxiet & panic attacks.
Post Edited (PAlady) : 2/15/2009 3:00:53 PM (GMT-7)