White Beard,
I totally agree with everything you said. CP is a disease, its not an addiction, its a darn disease. Why can't people with CP be treated the same if they were going in for the flu or a cold or a checkup. Why they want to make patients feel like criminals is beyond me, I just don't understand it. I would like for a pain dr to explain why there is this attitude towards CP patients. I am well aware of there being alot of bogus people out there, its their job to weed those people out, but don't make everyone else pay the price. Now, my former pain dr when you did your UA you handed it to a nurse, you did not have to put it in a brown bag and carry it back to the waiting room, sorry thats just plain crude & rude on that office's part. I too had a very good relationship with my former pain dr. My BT meds were so weak they did not help so when he asked if I needed a refill I told him no, they didn't help and I wasn't wasting my money on them. He was not educated enough in pain medication either thats real common.
You know you are absolutely right, an oncologist would really know about pain mgt. Jeez, I should know, I lost my Mom to lung cancer and she ended up on the Fentanyl patches. Yes, you really saw it all working oncology and bless you for doing that because that is a tough job to work in. I am very fortunate that Mother did not suffer and she passed with her dignity. Oh, I can see what a shock it would be for you to go from your oncologist taking care of you to this pain clinic. WOW, talk about an eye opener. yes I understand your resentment too and I don't blame you a bit. I have been very lucky and never had to go thru what alot of them on here do. My new pain dr does not do Contract or UA's, but then she only treats pump patients. I also feel like if she thought one of her patients were not on the up & up she would boot them right out the door too. I am really sorry you lost your first dr.
Oh I too have my days of wishing I was not on medication to get by, didn't have crohns disease that keeps my world turned upside down. But, when I start feeling that way, I try to remember the ones that have it alot harder than me. That works pretty good until the next time. I really feel I am on the right road now tho with my new pain dr. I started a new crohns drug for me in Dec but if you have infection, a cold or an open cut you cannot do the shots. Well, I am on the tail end of bronchitis after 5 weeks and came down with a bug Tuesday. I do my shots every other week so you can see I am way off track and my gut knows it too. Now, I am worried about having to do the loading doses all over again and wondering if my ins will pay for all that medicine again. One box with two pens is $1600 and the first shots you do takes two boxes. Second round takes one box then you go to every other week. This is really worrying me.
You keep that chin up, you are a good man, you will meet some nice people...Susie