Ohhhh what was I thinking.... I just knew, knew in my head not to hope these rackum frackum brackum steroids would work, well working but not stopping the pain. I started them on Monday, and the pain started to ease up some, I could get up and down with out grittin my teeth and was able to do some things around the house. (wooo hoo for as long as it lasted) I went to bed around 10 last nite little discomfort, but nothing tooo bad, I was really starting to think hey, I might be completely wrong about
this, it is inflamation and these things are working THANK GOD!!!!! then BAM 1 am, I'm jolted out of a sound sleep. The pain would have doubled me over if I wasnt already in the fetal position. So from 1 til 6 I think I saw every 15 minutes, I got up and took some Goodies, because my silly self forgot to ask for pain pills when I was there on Monday. What a dummie!!!!!! So I think around 5:30 to 6:00 I went to sleep and then the alarm goes off at 7:15 woo-hoo
. Aint I just lucky. Made it through the nite... now at work, and find out my boss' Mother passed away at 4AM this morning. So now I'm feeling guilty for thinking about
asking if I can go home, which now is completely out of the question.
I've called the nurse and let a message for her to ask my doctor if he can call me in something for the pain. I'm just hoping he will. Since its the first time I've seen him and didnt ask while I was there, I'm scared he wont.
Ok, I've vented tooo much, I'm sorry about this....just sleepy and I think the steroids are making me grrrrrry and on top of all that... mother nature comes LOL... What else can hit me.... NO!!!!! never mind I do no want to know....
Thanks again
Sleepy Trouble