My brief story and how I found my healing and so can you! (Not a medical person):
Brief Story (Believe me living it was much longer! and I thought would never end): I fell on my butt about 6 years ago. It twisted my tail bone, torn a ligment that held my leg on, dislocated my SI Joints, and Slipped many discs out of place, pressed my Siatic Nerve... (Chronic and Severe Pain constantly! and was basically paralyzed from waste down and bedridden.
I went to every doctor both traditional and alternative. Brief list: Orthopedics X2, Chiropractor X2, Physical Therapist, Pain Specialist, SI Specialist, Surgeons X3, ......etc....
Alternative: Holistic Nutritional Counselor, 3X Holistic Osteopaths, massage, and one so bizare I can't describe what he does...
My Point! I finally found a combination of a couple things that worked and can help others.
Energy/Body Healers and other professionals ie: Reiki Master (Restores balance/all issues), Holistic Osteopath or Doctor of Osteopathy (Works on Muscles, Bones, Ligaments, restoring balance, Nutritionist (Gives you body the nutrition to help heal itself) this combo put me back together and took away all the pain.
The Holistic Osteopath aligned everything, but I wouldn't stay in line this is where the Reiki came in to stop me from popping out. (The nutritional changes included: Distilled water, some suppliments, eating organic/free range/pesticide and chemical free and or from the United States food (I was given a good book Prescription for Nutritional Healing the older/larger one not the new one. (Still to this day I use many of the nutritional things I learned on my pet and livestock for healings!
Someone asked me once do you pray!
I said I pray more in a minute than you probably have all year!
So God and various alternatives healed me!
YOU MUST FIGHT (Go on the quest for your cure) and find what works for you!!!!!!!!!!!