I apologize for not being around very much these days. It would seem that the Spring bug has hit me and I have been trying to help hubby with the yard as well as planting a ton of flowers in the front (Hubby says I have too many LOL).
Anyway, I just wanted to touch base with everyone and let you all know how the plight of "My life" is going at this point. First off I have been making tons of phone calls trying to get WC of Wyoming to tell me what they have decided as far as setting me up with Pain Psychology. They are taking their own sweet time about it and I am really getting agravated here. Why can't they just approve my "Hoop jumping" and get over with it for pete sake? I'm not asking for the world on a silver platter here...Just to have my pain at a decent level!
God I hate buracacy (sp)!! This is not only getting old but way too much! I have tried to reach my case manager, who is suppose to return my phone calls in a timely manner and I get nothing! Time to write that letter PA!
(For those of you who don't know...Wyoming Worker's Comp has been a pain in the arse for the past 9 years for me. They have, I believe, stalled my case for their own good purposes and I have been in contact with a state Senator that is on the board of review for the entire system. It apparently is being overhauled but I have seen little change.)
Ugggg!!!! Again with the answering machine at my case manager's office! I am so sick of this!
Anyway back to me......I'm still in so much pain that now it is getting to the point where I am holding off my regular bathing practices because its so hard to get into the tub and the shower is clear down stairs. Hubby is now totally taken over the household chores and I feel like a failure as a wife because I can't even put the dishes in the dishwasher cause it hurts so much.
Going to talk to doc in June (that's my next appt.) to see if we can up my meds a bit. I've been only getting about 3-4 hours of sleep a night as well so I nap during the day. Oh and gee now I am having bladder incontinence because I can't move fast enough to get to the bathroom. Gee ain't life swell with CP!?
You all know how I hate venting to everyone. It seems so trival since you all are in so much pain as well and have your own problems too. But....today is a bad day once again and I'm pretty frustrated. Anyway...I am going to close for now, because I just can't type anymore.
Hugssss and well wishes to all my CPers