Pa Lady,
I wish I could focus on me...but right now that's not possible. I feel like I have been so very selfish in the past few years...I have so many health things going on that I fell like I should have seen this coming with my son..But for now, he's doing great... His medication is helping so much...I feel like I have my son back. He hasn't cursed at me since he started meds. and he's actually doing things around the house... and wants to spend time with me.
But, I can't put too much faith into this yet. It's almost like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just enjoy the moment. But he is doing well. He feels better, he acts better, and he is even taking better care of himself.
I won't mention the bad part of the meds. He doesn't need to worry about that right now... So, thanks for your support..