Oh if you would like to know more there is so much to say...hahaa.
Well Lyme ( Borrelia Burgdorferi is the name of the actual bacteria) is a spirochete bacteria corckscrew shaped it can drill its way anywhere and cause any symptom. That is one reason it is undiagnosed it is hard to define(there are some specific characteristics though). Lyme is very hard to test for because current tests look for antibodies and BB (borrelia burgdorferi) supresses immune system and also hides from immune system. So if you dont have antibodies and that is what the tests looks for you will be negative in testing but still have a very real disease.
Another truth about
Lyme is that we are in most cases what we call coinfected with other diseases via tick bite like bartonella, erlichliosis, babesia, some others.
A truth know in the Lyme community is that these diseases all can be passed from a mother to child, and sexually, also from mosquitos,fleas,biting flies, and other ways all other bugs less often than the tick.
Also the harder it was to get the tick off the more likley something was thrown up inside of you when the tick has been upset and transmission of something is more likley.
-Bartonella can cause intense mental disabilities.
- Children who have uncovered these diseases in them selves and begun long-term antibiotic therapy supported by probiotics have been taken off their other medicine. they are getting better
-The infectious disease society has come under investigation for the supression of all this information. The panel members who have written guidelines which have been followed by insurance companies and medical boards, and doctors in general and the truth about
lyme has gone unknown and people are suffering and dieing.
-The Infectious disease society was involved in being paid by insurance companies to testify that people who think they had lyme did not that it was a psychological basis, some member held patents on the disease, So Richard Blumenthal connecticut attorney general had them investigated and they have violated their own antitrust rules.
-This month on July 30th the Infectious DS must go under review and guidelines will be changed, their cooperation will avoid prosecution.
-they must now acknowledge chronic Lyme which they have denied , lyme is not eliminated by 3 t0 4 weeks of antibiotics like they claim unless perhaps you have just contracted it.
-and longterm antibiotics are not dangerous when supported by probiotics, which they always preach that longterm antibiotics harm,,,,, the lyme docs know this they have been doing it for years they give probiotics to handle that aspect,
-there are other diseases that warrent long term antibiotics this is not new protocals they for whatever reason have not been applied by the IDSA.
After these guidelines are changed you will see more lyme docs and more people who have lyme. because people around you have it undiagnosed.
-It effects everyone differently.
Some have vague symptoms lie dormant and something happens to weaken the immune system and the disease progresses at that point and comes out this was my situation . Pregnancy is an immuno suppressive state and my lyme came up during it, it had been after initial infection which was bad flu like and what they call rocky mountain spotted fever coinfection i had , it all went away, i thought it was a flu and a rash from camping, the flu passed and a cream for the rash, after that just this dull back pain for years and occasional swollen lymph-nodes, then it appeared as i said.
-others just progress right away and it is bad causes such neurological problems , Lyme can cause Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (lou gehrigs ), Alzheimars.
Like I said the bacteria can go anywhere and cause any symptom.
The above diseases are of unknown origin.
MS is the damage of the covering of the nerves messing w signals to the brain, Lyme can damage those coverings.
ALS is the damage of the center in the brain that sends signals to being able to move your limbs and things period , Lyme can damage that center.
Parkinsons is the damage of the dopamine center in the brain which makes for smooth movements and it effects mood, Lyme can damage that center,
Alan Mcdonald an pathologist researching lyme recieved 10 alzheimars brain specimins from harvard he found undiagnosed lyme in 7!!!!!!
-It is news that u know know that will be coming to light soon with resistance im sure. but it is the truth and i think it is great because these and other diseases can be treated and brought to a cure or remission when these doseases whould have killed people without long term antibiotics which they never would have taken simply being diagnosed with say Parkinsons which currently the best doctors give them a medicine which tries to mimic dopamine but they dont have an answer as to what damaged the dopamine center in the first place.
There is so much to say I just want people to know the truth of the possibilities for a cure for these syndromes or diseases of unknown origin.
If you ever want to explore this avenue. you must find a LLMD Lyme litterate Md or you will be looked at like you are crazy.
[email protected] tell her the area u need a lyme doc she emails u back with the closests ones near u. Testing must be done at igenex you doc sends it there.
-I wanted u to know this because children have autism induced by lyme or coinfections and a laundry list of mental problems and children are being treated w antibiotics and getting better.