Thanks everyone, I had a huge sleep this afternoon and feel a bit more positive again. Susie I'm in Australia so I am in winter, but I totally agree getting sick in summer always feels wrong!!! My GP has given me an anti biotic to take if I develop a secondary infection I'm also prone to bronchitis but I feel more wheezy than anything. Really hurts to cough.
I totally agree PAlady I get so sick of all these overlapping symptoms I want to move forward not back but my body keeps letting me down. I'm a bit worried about the carpel tunnel surgery so good to hear yours was so successful. I have an inbuilt fear of surgery after my shoulder was so seriously stuffed up. I've been putting off my hernia surgery, it bothers me so little in comparison to everything else!!!
Thanks White Beard for your kind words. Do you still get to make any art?
SJ I went to bed today and drew on lots of favours to manage my kids. I'm trying hard to rest and hopefully kick this virus before it can turn into something else. I don't usually give in so soon, trying hard to look aftermyself. Catching pneumonia last year was a major scare for me, I don't want to go back there again. Thanks again for lifting my spirits, you're a wonderful group of people, golitho