Dear MissKitty,
Good afternoon *huggs* It is good to see you. I am enjoyng everyone here so much. What blessing to have met you. Wish you knew how much nicer healing well has made my life. *sigh*
And, if you don't mind my saying... HOLY COW YOU have alot on you plate. I was reading about impetigo and it sounds like that can be very resistant to treatment I do not have any personal experience with it.. But have a few ideas
Tea Tree Oil - can get a "soap" form from.. walmart, or any store really most often found in off-brand body washes.
Calendula - Can get in oil, or cream form at any local health food or co ops. I used cream form for all sorts of things.
I am no so sure those would help you at all. Just an idea. Bless her heart! Alot of a 7yr old.
Must be very brave like her Mommy
I hope everything goes okay with the inspection today. If they give you any lip.. tell them you ll be over to inspect their houses at 4pm today.
!!!WOOT!! for gettin three month approval!!!! *high five* I felt like I wont the lottery when 2 of my doctors when to 6mo. Just this last christmas. Pretty cool.
Your friend sounds like many people I know. I think, for me, the hardest part is the "what ifs". I only had "What if" actually happen once. Was back when news papers were still delivered tho. And was able to get a "welfare check" based on the 2 weeks of news papers piled and AND rent past due. The rest of my friends who go MIA? they just don't know! They have no clue how badly they scare us! Sometimes its for addiction, depression... just anxiety or terminal illness news, life changes. I dont know about you, but I would rqather hear horrbiile news from my friends than to have them hide from me. There isnt anything I havnt seen, witnessed, experienced myself. ... I fell Im getting off track..!! Anyway, I know how you feel. I know money is tight right now... You have any spare baskets? Put together a "thinking of you" basket with lil goofy things. Favortie candies, candles, valerian root tea, vodoo dolls... who knows? Just a thought. *huggs!*
Hey... this "Nutfarm" place you speak of. One question. Is there telephones? If not.... girl imma packing up the makings for margaritas and pedicures! See you there! WoOOOT!
*warm huggs*