Hi Folks, I have been lurking and learning, but now have a question. Did anyone else experience pretty severe itching during the trial or use of the unit? I believe my settings are moderate to high range 6.20 intensity on both leads, and 60' frequency. I am itching all over! Seems to be only when unit is on, so I am assuming it is the stimulation. I am taking same pain meds as before, without problem (Norco, and Fentanyl Patch 12.5mg/hr).
I had my Medtronics simulator placed on Monday 7/6, for a 4 day trial. I want to go to 7 days, but doc hasn't called me back yet. I need the unit adjusted, because in order to get relief in my back, I have to use a higher intensity, but then I do not like the sensation in my lower legs and feet. I am meeting with the rep tomorrow to make adjustments. A 3 day trial is ridiculous in my opinion, as I am on day 3 and still very sore at the incision site and where the unit is on my back. I feel I need additional days to fine tune it to see how it really would be. This is a huge decision!
I am an Occupational Therapist, so my job is very physical. Does anyone else have a similar type of position and what was the time off period after permanent implant for people like me?
Thanks in advance.