Dear Francess!
Good evening!! *huggs!* Good to see you tonight. So when do we get to see a new picture of your fablous new hair cut?!?! I'm afraid I just trimm my own hair in between hair cuts !!yikes usually only 2 to 3times a year professionally cut.
You guys hear about the robot that ... Domestic Robot that "Sharp" was trying to develop? We could be telling our new robotic friends to "Get those clothes folded!" in the next decade. I think I would call mine Digimaid.
... and in Francess's case she could tell her robot to stalk her boss with a bull horn
what is with these sadistic insurance nurses always saying that patients don't need the care their doctor is recommending?
.....and one to follow the nurses around.....
Seriously thou, it would be a blessing if you could get that last RF done. I am a bit jelous. I wanted RF and had really gotten excited to try it. Then a week later they called a said "Nope. No soup for YOU!" okay, not exactly like that, but that was all I heard.
Not gonna say take it easy. ... But, I will say I hope you make it till your doctor appointment without even more pain adding on.