I guess you just didn't eat those chocolate fast enough if they melted on your keyboard! But then again, it was in the 100's, so they probably melted faster that you could eat them! Although I can go though a box of chocolates pretty quickly...
I bet Sarah's hair cut looks great! I used to have long hair as well (really, really long when I was little), and look where that got me! A finger in the eye! Just over a year ago I chopped off about
10 inches. I think my hair is the shortest now that it has ever been. But I need to get my hair cut again, it's starting to get "long." It was a big decision for me too. I loved my long hair, but I wanted a change.
All the other results were back with a week, week & a half. It's just the MS panel that is still pending. I have had several MRI's of my head, but they all pre-date the latest neurological problems in my eyes (which are indicative of MS). None of my doctors seem to think that another MRI would be worthwhile, because the last one I had was in January & it didn't show any lesions, and the neurological problems started towards the end of February.
Yup, I'm a member of the fan club! I think we need to organize some sort of big get-together, so that fatherjohn doesn't get to have all the fun! It would be really nice to meet everyone in person. I had such a great time with fatherjohn & his family!
You might be disappointed. I don't think I have an actual picture of me standing with my feet in the ocean, unless someone snuck one from behind! But I did take pictures of my feet in the sand & in the water.
It was not easy to juggle a camera while hiking up my dress pants so that I didn't get them soaked (I was only somewhat successful on that end).
White Beard,
They would not let me leave the hospital until I had been lying flat on my back for an hour to an hour & a half. Then I was instructed to remain lying flat on my back at home for the rest of the day. I must say, I cheated when I got home. I lay on my back, but was a little propped up. It worked out well, though. No spinal headache. Apparently the percentage of people who get spinal headaches after having a routine spinal tap is very high (something like 1 in 4 or 1 in 5)!