Thank you all for your comments. It will be hard to answer all the comments and questions but I will try and shed a little more light.
PAlady, there is something underneith the surface. I was hired by the a previous Corp. President and when he was not on good terms with the present Corp. President. I am a remenant of the previous leadership and thus I am not part of his team. He has brought his friends in to replace others he has fired. My work ethic makes it difficult to attack so he is looking for some reason. Yes, I have shown up to work after not sleeping as I have only used sick days when I was recovering from surgery. In all my sleepless nights, I have never failed to show up to work.
Laurie, yes I have invested and sacraficed much for this program. I would not change that. I have always lived by the idea that you chose your battles because you will wear out if everything you face is a battle to the end. This one I will fight. When In was injured as a lawenforcement officer the state told me I did not deserve benefits as I was not retired only disabled. I took them all the way to the Justice Department in Washington DC and won.
Stella, We are a faith based, non-medical model recovery services organization. There are no doctors, no licensed counselors etc so there is no one who can make a diagnosis of any kind. There is no proof of any kind. I have not been drug tested although I do test others on a regular basis. There is no clause in our policy manual that states a staff member cannot be on legally prescribed narcotics. In fact, our student manual allows me to give permission for students to be on narcotic medication in extreme circumstances. They have no authority to state where my wife can work, it is a power statement as he wants to have power over people. Sad
Jag, I am sorry, I was being sarcastic about stress not effecting CP. My wife can tell a difference in me right now due to the stress. I am glad that she is not having to watch me at work right now.
Pete, I will give you a call later this week.
Jim, I came out of the world of adiction. I am very careful with medication. I have had doctors upset with me because I don't take the meds as often as I should. I don't like to play all the games. I am where I am because I care and want to help others get the chains of addiction unshakled. You are right.
Patti and Me, There is still work to be done so I will not be swayed from what I am doing. At this point, they will have to fire me to get me out. I won't go easily.
Susie, my wife was on my payroll not theirs. She came to work for me several years ago as she saw I was doing way to much. She is adjusting well to her new job and it has been good that we are not both under the same stress. Yes I have given thought to the cost I and the family have paid. Believe it or not, I have a classification after being injured 11 years ago as permanently and totally disabled. I wanted to go back to work after being injured but they refused to let me as I would have been a liability to the other officers. I was eligible to file for disability then but as I have proved, I could work. Now for other reasons, I am nolonger eligible for SSI or SSD. Long story. What else do I do at this point. I will have to look into that one seriously.
Dani, Piercings, CSTP, Golitho, Bill, As this is getting long, Thanks for your support. I will keep updating as things happen although I don't expect much right away.
Skeye, The real losers will be the students and I am not going to give up on them. There are many that would come to my defense. I know that there are also those that I have had to let go because they went back to using and their addiction. I have a feeling that there might be a complain that was aired at some time in the recent past but anyone that knows me I give more than enough chances. Regardless, I always document the reasons and I have been criticized by some for not sending people down the road sooner. i believe we have to give people every chance while still maintaining a standard.
Thanks all and I will not be in touch while away later this week. I hear the rain is coming in at the coast so I am looking forward to some long days by a fireplace, dozing and an occasional shopping trip with my wife and daughter.