Dear ShamBoy,
Good evening. I do not remember if I introduced myself to you yett, but let me take the time to now. My name is Dani. It is a pleasure to meet you. I do hope you decide to stick around and let us get to know you better. Healing Well has become a wonderful comfort to me these past few months, I am sure it will to you aswell.
I am sorry to hear of your relationship with your Girl Friend. Do she know about, or has she learned about Chronic Pain? Understanding the mechanics of chronic pain can be a real eye opener. Thou, in a long distance relationship, I am unsure how one would go about learning together.
I too, would like to recommend a pain psychologist. I saw one for a very long time. We re-defined "me". She taught me everything from the mechanics of pain ~~>physical, mental, emotional, social, aspects ~~> Bio Feedback. It was a true blessing to have her as part of my pain management programm. It might be something you would be intrested in. I know I wouldnt be the "me" I am today without her help.
I have a bad habbit of chatting endlessly. But!! It truly was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to get to know you better as time goes by.