Dear Murry,
Good evening. My name is Dani. It is a pleasure to meet you. *hugg*
I saw a pain psychologist for a very long time. I didnt understand pain, nor was I able to effectivly communicate how I was feeling. I would say "I don't feel so hot". Instead of "There is a deep pressure at the base of my spine that stings and the pain spikes, when too severe, cause me to vomit or pass out". Big difference
So, I was taught everything about
pain. The mechanics of pain ~~> the effects of long term pain ~~~> How to effectivly communicate what I felt. Recoganizing the "warning signs" and reacting to them (calling for help)..... Then cognitive behaviour
al therapy.
Then it was off to bio feedback. I spent months learning bio feedback which is extremly useful for pain management. I still enjoy it on a daily basis. Also, much later the same techniques would be used to help calm me during "out patient surgicals" & while in "twilight state" (same key phrases) IE steroid injections, surgeries, extensive / painful tests.
I guess each person has their own needs and wants from their doctors. I had a very hard time understanding that the pain was never decreasing... it was my body adapting to the new levels. So... by the time I asked for help... I had allowed things to progress for far too long.
One thing I can say with certianty is that I wouldnt be the "me" I am today without the help of my pain psychologist. No voodoo needed.
Hope that helped a little. It was a very long spring / summer journey for me, but was needed, in my case, no doubt about
it. Was well worth it, for me, my family and most of all my doctors.