My right knee has been making some awful grinding noise for over a year but wasn't painful until a couple months ago. When I mentioned it to the doctor at my last visit he just told me that I move alot better than some and that it was just age. So nothing was done. But I did tell him that on my last visit the PM assistant had scheduled me for steroid inj. in my neck but that I had canceled them because the pain was better and I was scared of steroids after my shingle outbreak after the last one. He noted in my folder "No steroids for at least 6 months". He did say there were things they could do without steroids but nothing was scheduled.
So, I went again yesterday and saw the PM assistant. Told her my knees are worse, I can't stoop down anymore without pain and something to hold onto to get back up. She wanted to do a steroid injection. I told her about the "No steroid" note in my chart. She did check and it was there. She did check out my knees and she said there was too much play in them and scheduled me for x-rays on both. I know from when I had surgery on the left one in 2000 & 2002 that there was osteoarthritis even then. In the past Celebrex has helped them so I will try this for a month.
I was previously scheduled for an inj. at L-5/S-1 but I had to cancel due to my shingles and it was never rescheduled. So I am finally scheduled in December and no steroids will be used. If this helps hopefully we can try a nerve abalation (?). I've had lower back pain for 7 yrs now and I am really hoping this helps. The fusion didn't and the pain meds just mask it.
My pain always gets worse around 3pm and my PM had switched my ER med from Avinza to oxycontin to try to help. Didn't see much change so yesterday I asked the PM assistant about trying the Neurontin 3xday instead of 2xday. So anyway she agreed with this so I'm hoping this helps.
This is getting long. I'll let everyone know in a month what they find on the x-ray and the med change. She did talk about synvisc for my knees, I've never heard much good about this but has anyone out there tried this?